In Just 1 Month After Taking This Workshop, We landed a $40,000 contract
Paid by Homeowners Insurance!

Karima H., Georgia
“I want to send a huge THANK YOU to Rachel who took me under her wings and helped me book my first corporate rental in a mind blowing 4 days and at 4 whopping $9k/months! I told her I was selling my house, she ran some algorithms, sent me the projected rental income, walked me through the process, and in days I was officially in business!”

Liz H., California
The Midterm Rental Intro Bundle was sooo helpful! Learning about the double listings was very very helpful. I really want to dig in more and do some market research to determine if our homes fall under good locations to allow for these type of MTRs. I'm hoping so!!

Ashely T., Pennsylvania
The Midterm Rental Intro Bundle was very helpful. Understanding what questions to ask while talking to a potential guest was a new concept for me. Rule of 25 and how you used coverage D to come up with your rental rate was a big aha moment! Thanks so much for the training.
Dr. Rachel’s students have already generated
Tens of Thousands of Dollars
using Rachel's resources— start your MTR journey and access the intro bundle now for just $47.

“I want to send a huge THANK YOU to Rachel who took me under her wings and helped me book my first corporate rental in a mind blowing 4 days and at 4 whopping $9k/months! I told her I was selling my house, she ran some algorithms, sent me the projected rental income, walked me through the process, and in days I was officially in business!”
Karima H. - Teacher, Georgia

“I’m excited to announce my second Medium Term Rental! Earlier this year I converted my basement into a furnished apartment for traveling nurses. (Paying 100% of my entire mortgage) I am now converting my long term rentals into medium terms as the leases expire. THis should increase my profitability to the point that I will hit my financial freedom number once all of my units are converted. Rachel, thank you for your guidance!"
Kim K. - Executive, Georgia

“Hey rachel, we just closed our first deal for 8 months at $4500 per month. That’s HUGE for us in this market. I appreciate all your help in getting this done! You’re a huge motivation for us Pharmacist folks and such a go-getter. Thanks for getting me to think creatively and start building “systems” that are crucial for any business venture. You have been a huge asset/resource for our short term rental endeavors. Thanks again Rachel!!”
Mason G. - Pharmacist, Idaho

"I found the MTR Intro very helpful! My Thoughts: I learned more about the types of properties that may be suitable for mid-term rentals for displaced policyholders and more specifics about Coverage D. The MTR Masterclass gave me additional reasons to pursue mid-term rentals instead of luxury STRs or standard STRs until I build up my cash reserves again. Takeaways: I want to acquire properties using creative strategies for lease options. I want to target some of those properties for mid-term rentals. Rental arbitrage is also an option (you answered my question) that I may explore. I own a property that needs a good bit of rehab. I need to complete my research on whether this property is suitable for a mid-term rental. "
Mattie T. - Investor, Georgia
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